MISA represented at ITUC Congress
A MISA delegation – including none other than Reneè Ntshingila, our current MISA Women’s Forum Woman of the Year! – returned from a working trip to the International Trade Union Confederation’s (ITUC) third World Congress in Berlin recently.

MISA’s participation in the Congress, where over 1 500 trade unionists from 161 countries gathered, was through FEDUSA (to whom MISA is affiliated). The ITUC is the largest democratic organisation in the world representing 325 national trade unions and 176 million working people all over the world. The ITUC brings together the world’s independent and free national trade unions centres.

“The Congress focused on the issues of union growth, realising rights and sustainable jobs, which are all very pertinent to our situation in South Africa,” says MISA’s CEO for Operations, Martlé Keyter, who was also elected as one of the Vice-Presidents for the ITUC.

“Exposure to the ITUC, through FEDUSA, is important for MISA members as it gives us a broader base in which to fight for our members' causes,” says Martlé.

Reneè Ntshingila will be sharing her experiences of the conference and the trip to Berlin at the upcoming Women’s Forum August Day Breakfasts, so MISA’s female members are encouraged to RSVP to avoid disappointment, as places are limited.

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