What is Cardiovascular Disease?

Cardiovascular Disease is the term used to describe diseases affecting the heart and circulatory system and includes heart disease, stroke, and raised blood pressure (hypertension).

More than 17 million people died from Cardiovascular Diseases (CVDs) in 2008 and more than 3 million of these deaths occurred before the age of 60. Heart attacks were responsible for 7.3 million of these deaths, while strokes accounted for 6.2 million deaths.

Many of these deaths could have been prevented, as CVDs are largely preventable.

Exercise, particularly aerobic conditioning and strength training, is one of the key interventions that can prevent death and disability from Cardiovascular Disease.

Physical therapists are experts in prescribing these as part of a structured, safe and effective programme. Speak to your physiotherapist today about a structured and safe exercise programme that suits your individual needs (and do remember that physiotherapists are first-line practitioners, which means you do not need a referral from a doctor).

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