Sure-fire ways to boost productivity

We share some advice that successful people utilise to boost their productivity.

Prepare your mind and body
Managing your energy and health is just as important as managing your time. Not sleeping enough, not getting regular exercise and bad food choices all affect how productive and energetic you are during your working day.

Make time for exercise, eat healthy nutritious meals, and get enough zzzz’s and you will start to feel the difference in your work day.

Create an environment conducive to concentrating
We all want to do ten things at once, but researchers agree that while being multi-skilled is good, multitasking is not. It might make us feel like we’re doing more, but in actual fact doing too many things at once makes us less productive and stressed. So pick your most important task and concentrate on getting that done – without undue distractions. And that includes the beeping of text messages and emails!

If you really want to be productive, put your phone on silent and out of sight and close your email programme. Schedule suitable times to respond to emails and handle personal text messages and phone calls outside of office hours.

If you fail to plan, you plan to fail
If you don’t know what you have to do, how can you make sure you get everything done? Make a list of what you have to do. This will enable you to get an overview of what you need to get done, and you can also plan, prioritise and put deadlines to your actions. If you know what you have to do, you will also be able to identify potential challenges before they become problems.

Find your most productive time
Our brains are wired differently and that means we all have different times during the day when we are most productive. Find the sweet spots of your productivity and schedule the most important and difficult tasks for those times.

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